Emotional Intelligence vs Artificial Intelligence: The Future of Work…
Workforce transformation is accelerating and many roles are being redefined with common themes
of Automation and Artificial Intelligence impacting workplaces of the future.
At the same time Emotional Intelligence (EQ) is identified as one of the top ten future skills
identified for future workforce. As customers or colleagues we’ve all experienced the negative
experience and impact of technical specialists, subject matter experts or a Manager with
development gaps in ‘human skills’. Observable behaviours of these EQ skills gaps include common
themes where these people seeming more focused on processes, reporting and data than people-
based situations and the needs of others.
A recent Workforce of the Future Report from PWC outlines how competing forces shaping
automation and reclassification of work provide both a challenge and an opportunity. The challenge
is the implications for the world or work and the opportunity is for workers who develop EQ skills to
amplify their comparative advantage in delivering value.
Within the ‘human skill’ category, EQ capability becomes even more valuable over the next decade
to differentiate workforce success as artificial intelligence and machine learning take over more
routine and methodical tasks. 73% of 10,000 PwC survey respondents think technology can never
replace the human mind.
Proactive planning and implementation to develop EQ Competencies in key areas provides
measurable value in productivity and performance uplift at individual, team and organisational
As AI and Automation shape the Future of Work, ‘human skill’ development will become increasingly
vital and more in demand than ever to meet the needs of labour and global markets . Developing
core EQ competencies as part of the focus on ‘human skills’ allows organisations to adapt to the
rebalancing of workplace skills and reclassification of workforce roles impacted directly or indirectly
by Automation and Artificial Intelligence. Fostering “human skills” creates a clear competitive
advantage for organisations. By developing this advantage in the workforce today, business leaders
can develop more emotionally intelligent workers prepared for the future of work as the age of
Automation and Artificial Intelligence transforms the modern workplace.